Chickahominy Area Triad P.O. Box 46 New Kent, VA 23124 | 804 557-5287 |
The Full Story
Older Americans make up the fasting-growing segement of the population. By 2025, 25% of Virginia's population will be aged sixty (60) and up. This statistic will continue to rise, and criminals will contine to prey on our older citizens. However, our Triad, an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, working hand-in-hand with our two counties law enforcement agencies will not be deterred, and will continue and even step up its efforts to prevent and stop the exploitation of our senior population and the community.
Our primary mission is to help our senior population stay one-step ahead of scammers, and their fraudulent actitities through our continuous education and awareness efforts.
Our Background
The Triad is a national, state, and local program focused primarily on reducing crimes against our senior citziens through crime prevention education. The organizations crime prevention awareness efforts and programs also benefits the overall population of New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia. ​
Our History
In 2016, the Chickahominy Area Triad resulted from a partnership between the Virginia Office of the Attroney General (OAG), Charles City County Sheriff and New Kent County Sheriff Offices, Charles City and New Kent governmental departments, human and social services agencies, civic groups, community residents and the communities senior citizens. In Virginia, the OAG sponsors all Triad organizations. Member of the partnership agreed to work collectively to establish a crime prevention program that would continually educate and provide seniors and residents of New Kent County and Charles City County with the crime prevention and educational awareness tools they need to prevent themselves from becoing vistims of crimes and to improve their overall guality of life.
Organizational Overview
Community partners have worked diligently to help reduce the criminal victimization of the county's seniors and residents alike. The Triad's Advisory Council, which consist of community law enforcement leaders, local governmental agencies, businnesses, and community residents serve as the sounding board and catalyst for monitoring and keeping the organization focused on current crime trends and combatting those crimes that specifically target senior because they see them as easy plus they are highly unlikely to report it because of the associated stigna - the low hanging fruit.